advocacy Archives - WITNESS Human Rights Video Wed, 05 Dec 2018 17:43:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 76151064 WITNESS joins EIUC to train Young Professionals about Human Rights and Film Mon, 20 Aug 2018 17:02:20 +0000 WITNESS is extremely excited to announce that we will be partnering with the Global Campus of Human Rights at the European Inter‑University Centre for the 13th Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy Summer School in Venice from August 27th to September 5th. The 10-day intense training is aimed at young professionals wishing to broaden their understanding of the connections between human rights, films, digital media and video advocacy.

The program aims to foster participatory and critical thinking on urgent human rights issues, debate with experts and filmmakers from all over the world during the 75th Venice International Film Festival and learn how to use films as a tool for social and cultural change.

Our Senior Attorney and Program Manager Kelly Matheson will conduct a few sessions on how to use video for change, advocacy and evidence for human rights.

You can find the entire schedule and more details about this exciting training here.

Indigenous Voices: Using Video for Advocacy & Evidence Tue, 20 Mar 2018 19:50:18 +0000 Join us and the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples on Wednesday, April 11 from 3-4p.m. (ET), for a webinar on using video for advocacy. This one-hour online workshop will offer practical guidance for safely, ethically and effectively using video for advocacy and evidentiary purposes. We will also share examples of how Indigenous groups from around the world are using video in their work. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

We will cover:

– Overview of Video Advocacy Methodology

– Best Practices for Filming for Advocacy & Evidence

– Basic Digital Security Tips

– Mobile Equipment Recommendations

If you’re interested in learning how to use video to raise awareness, share important stories, or document violations against Indigenous peoples and territories, this will be a great introductory workshop!

For more details on the event, and to RSVP, click here.

WITNESS Signs Coalition Letter to FCC in Support of Net Neutrality Wed, 08 Mar 2017 02:16:14 +0000 WITNESS is proud to be a signatory on a new letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in support of net neutrality. The letter was penned by The Center for Media Justice and signed by more than 150 organizations representing the consumer, media, technology, library, arts, civil liberties and civil rights sectors. Our signature reaffirms our support for the Open Internet Order classified by the FCC in 2015, and urges the FCC to oppose any future legislation or regulatory actions that would threaten these vital gains. WITNESS restates our strong belief that net neutrality is essential to foster social, political and economic justice as well as technology innovation.

March 7, 2017

The Honorable Ajit Pai
Chairman Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St SW Washington, D.C. 20536

The Honorable John Thune Chairman
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Bill Nelson
Ranking Member U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairman Pai and Senators Thune and Nelson,

Protecting net neutrality is crucial to ensuring that the internet remains a central driver of economic growth and opportunity, job creation, education, free expression, and civic organizing for everyone. The principles of net neutrality – that all data on the internet should be treated equally, and internet service providers (ISPs) should not discriminate or provide preference to any data, regardless of its source, content, or destination – are the foundation that has made the internet the engine of opportunity it is today. The continuation of net neutrality is essential to the continued growth of the country and to ensuring access to social, political, and economic empowerment for all.

In 2015, millions of people made their support for net neutrality clear in comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) supporting the Open Internet Order. The order, which reclassified broadband internet under Title II, enshrined the principles of net neutrality in law, and gave the FCC the authority to enforce it. As a result, broadband providers cannot block users’ access to content, slow down connections to services, or charge for speedier delivery of preferred content.

Since the order went into effect, broadband infrastructure investment is up, ISP revenues are at record highs, and businesses continue developing innovative ideas and offerings. A 2016 report found that the total capital expenditures of ISPs increased by 4 percent and that total revenues increased by 5 percent from 2014 to 2015. Moreover, we consistently see businesses innovate and create new ways to provide fresh content and better services to consumers.

We, the undersigned organizations, representing a diverse group of consumer, media, technology, library, arts, civil liberties, and civil rights advocates and content creators, urge you and your colleagues to oppose legislation and regulatory actions that would threaten net neutrality and roll back the important protections put in place by the FCC in 2015, and to continue to enforce the Open Internet Order as it stands. Net neutrality supports and protects these basic values:

● Competition: Net neutrality helps to ensure that all companies, from small startups to larger companies, have equal access to consumers online. It allows companies to fairly compete for customers within their market and incentivizes the development of new services and tools for consumers. This competition is the engine of the U.S. economy, and should be promoted.

● Innovation: Net neutrality makes it possible for new companies and new technologies to emerge and ensures that broadband providers do not create undue burdens and cost barriers that can harm small businesses and undermine job growth.

● Free Speech: Net neutrality ensures that everyone with access to the internet can organize and share their opinions online equally, a key safeguard for our democracy. It ensures that ISPs are not arbiters of speech and expression online by favoring particular forums or providing enhanced access to specific content and audiences.

● Equality of Access: Net neutrality ensures that access to websites and content is based on individual preferences. This means content creators are not forced to pay ISPs for content distribution in order to reach consumers. It also means that end users are able to access all the content they desire without restrictions from ISPs. This allows all people in the U.S. to access essential healthcare services, educational resources, and employment opportunities and the freedom to choose from the full spectrum of online content. It means that a small church staffed by volunteers has the same opportunity to reach the public as a large media corporation with an unlimited budget. At a time when there is bipartisan agreement in Congress that we must increase internet access to all people and bridge the digital divide, the quality of this access is just as essential.

In order to promote continued economic, social, and political growth and innovation, it is imperative that the internet remain open and accessible to all people in the future. We strongly urge you and your colleagues to protect the free and open internet and the benefits it provides to for all people.



(see the full list of signatories here)


Photo courtesy Glimpse from the Globe.
